Case study
Hayling College

Aims : Increase engagement in the classroom and enhance teaching and learning.
Better PR in public areas linked to the specialist status.
Solution : Interactive whiteboards Projectors Audio enhancements Plasma TVs Digital signage Turning point assessment systems
Result :Â Enhanced teaching, learning and interaction within the classroom environment.
The Hayling College is a mixed community school for pupils aged 11 – 16, situated on Hayling Island, Hampshire. It is the only secondary school on the island and pupils are largely drawn from Hayling Island itself, though with increasing numbers from further afield on the mainland. There are currently 715 pupils and the college has been awarded specialist status for Maths and Computing,as well as holding the Investors in People award.
Interactive whiteboard and digital signage solution
In total, 25 rooms were equipped with SMARTBoard 680 interactive whiteboards, projectors and audio solutions, all supported with FREE SMARTBoard training prior to use. The School Hall was recabled providing excellent sound capability. The plasma TVs were installed and linked to two Onlean Net-Top-Boxes to provide an enhanced viewing experience in the canteen, reception area and lobby.
Pupils, staff and visitors can view multiple content on a single screen, such as watch BBC News, whilst a school presentation was shown and important announcements were made, all on a single screen.
Why Hugh Symons?
One of the reasons for choosing Hugh Symons was the ability to provide pre and post sales advice and support coupled with extremely competitive pricing. Throughout the process the School was kept informed at every stage.
"Hugh Symons is an excellent company with good customer service and support. They have a great team who worked with the school to create the solution we needed rather than a hard sell pushing products they wanted us to have. I would have no hesitation in recommending Hugh Symons to other schools."
Summary of benefits:
- Increased interactivity in the classroom
- Enhanced teaching and learning
- More use of multimedia
- Direct access to web based resources in the classroom
- Increased public awareness of the schools’ successesÂ